As a relatively new school, many parents have wondered how CBCS graduates fare in the real world once they leave for university and embark upon careers. Are CBCS high school alumni able to adapt well academically in the various universities they attend? What is the condition of their faith and spirituality when facing the world outside of the CBCS Christian community?

To determine answers for such questions, Mr. Tony Hen surveyed SOR alumni from 2011 to 2018 as part of his Master of Education final project. The questionnaire  was conducted in October, 2020 with 60% of alumni from the first eight graduating classes participating. We are excited to share some key findings about how our alumni embody the vision and mission of CBCS.

  • 88% of respondents were satisfied with the educational quality of CBCS
  • 75% of Christian respondents still believe in key Christian doctrines & engage in religious practices 
  • 68% of respondents felt the school helped them become virtuous adults

We are thankful for these results, especially in light of a recent Barna survey (2019) reporting 64% of young Americans with a Christian background have withdrawn from the church.

To God be the glory.




Alumni Survey