
Throughout our curricular program as well as through co‐curricular activities and examples set by faculty and staff, CBCS strives to do the following:

  • Teach all courses in the curriculum as parts of an integrated whole with the Scripture as the center (II Timothy 3:16, 17).
  • Provide a clear model of biblical Christian life through the school staff and Foundation (Matthew 22:37‐40).
  • Encourage every student to begin to develop a personal relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18‐20).
  • Emphasize grammar, logic, and rhetoric in all courses. For the purposes of definition, grammar is to be understood as the fundamental rules and data of each course; logic is to be understood as the ordered relationship of particulars in each course; rhetoric is to be understood as the means by which the grammar and logic of each course may be expressed clearly.
  • Encourage every student to develop a love for learning and to achieve maximum academic potential.
  • Provide an orderly and secure atmosphere conducive to maintaining these standards.


CBCS Language Policy


CBCS uses English for the majority of instruction, however, Bahasa Indonesia is an  equally important language that must be taught and developed intentionally  in order to meet the expected student outcomes of writing and speaking proficiently in English and in academic Bahasa Indonesia upon graduation. Thus, our target languages are dictated by the medium of instruction which is determined by the subject matter, resources, and school goals.


Teachers instruct and interact with students inside and outside the classroom during school hours according to the table below:

Medium of Instruction:
Academic Bahasa Indonesia
Medium of Instruction:
Academic English
Medium of Instruction:
Dual Language or Mixed Language Approach
Subjects: Indonesian Language, Indonesian Studies, and Civic Education (SOL & SOR)  Subjects: English Language Arts, Math, Natural Sciences, History, Bible/Character, Logic, Rhetoric, Social Sciences Topic/Unit-driven Subjects: Fine Arts, Recitation, Read Aloud (in classes and Library), Study Period, Electives, PE
Indonesian Week, Flag Ceremony, Independence Day Celebration. Indonesian National Assessment  Science Fair, Art Exhibits, Drama Reading Month, Field Trips, Chapel, Mentoring, Retreat, Extracurricular Activities, Tutoring


Expected Student Outcomes

Since the students are being prepared to build the nation through the Christian worldview of loving and serving their fellow man, the school has concrete outcomes that are expected from its student graduates. The expected student outcomes are the portrait of a CBCS graduate and are defined as measurable learning objectives.

A CBCS graduate will be able to:

  1. Understand a Biblical worldview
    1. Recognize God’s grand story of reality as creation - fall - redemption - restoration
    2. Submit to the Bible, God’s Word, as the final authority
    3. Differentiate between a biblical worldview and other worldviews
    4. Apply a biblical worldview in decision-making and cultural interactions

  2. Impact positively the community and nation for the glory of God
    1. Treat all people with respect as image-bearers of God
    2. Demonstrate key leadership skills: communication, organization, collaboration, and leading by example
    3. Understand Indonesia’s history and various cultures
    4. Serve the local community, especially those in need or marginalized

  3. Think wisely
    1. Analyze and evaluate information
    2. Make informed decisions
    3. Discern fallacies and errors in reasoning
    4. Discern and apply truth, goodness, and beauty

  4. Act purposefully
    1. Demonstrate integrity & ethical behavior consistent with teachings of Christianity
    2. Think before acting
    3. Understand long-term impact of decisions on self and others

  5. Communicate effectively
    1. Speak in public with eloquence, persuasiveness, and confidence
    2. Write clearly with the audience and purpose in mind
    3. Master English and academic Indonesian
    4. Speak the truth with compassion

  6. Possess the tools for lifelong learning
    1. Demonstrate mastery of CBCS curriculum
    2. Read for understanding and further knowledge
    3. Solve problems with perseverance
    4. Collaborate with others through healthy interpersonal skills
    5. Demonstrate curiosity, creativity, and imagination