Multiple Renovations on Progress!
Only by God's grace. During the last year-end holiday, Cahaya Bangsa Classical School successfully completed several repair and renovation projects for school facilities. Starting from the MPB changing rooms, adding toilets in the Early Childhood area, repairing the toilet drainage system in the Grammar School area, and replacing AC units in several corners of the school.
Thank you for your prayers and support, may in this new year we can better serve the entire CBCS family!
Informasi Renovasi Fasilitas Sekolah
Hanya dengan kasih karunia Tuhan. Selama liburan akhir tahun kemarin, Cahaya Bangsa Classical School berhasil merampungkan beberapa proyek perbaikan serta renovasi fasilitas sekolah. Mulai dari kamar ganti MPB, penambahan toilet di area Early Childhood, perbaikan sistem drainage toilet di area Grammar School, serta penggantian unit AC di beberapa sudut sekolah.
Terima kasih untuk doa dan dukungan Anda, semoga di tahun yang baru ini kami dapat dengan lebih baik melayani seluruh keluarga CBCS!