Digital Citizenship Curriculum

The children are living in a world where technology is a part of their everyday life, therefore they need to be equipped with digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make wise decisions online and in life. Aligning with the school’s theme Fear of The Lord, we want the children to not only be skilled but most importantly have the understanding and wisdom coming from the word of God as the one and only truth in our life.

The core topic of Digital Citizenship Curriculum we covered this semester in the Grammar School is Media Balance and Well Being. Grammar School principals present the topics in the bi-weekly chapel conducted live via zoom meeting. 

Here are the topics we covered this September and next October:




Video and resource link

G1- G2

Pause and Think Online

  • Understand the importance of being safe, responsible, and respectful online.
  • Learn the "Pause & Think Online" song to remember basic digital citizenship concepts.

G3 -  G4

Pause, Think, Ask and Device Free Moment

  • Recognize the ways in which digital devices can be distracting.
  • Identify how they feel when others are distracted by their devices.
  • Identify ideal device-free moments for themselves and others.

G5- G6

Finding My Media Balance

  • Reflect on their common online and offline activities.
  • Identify ways to "unplug" to maintain balance between online and offline activities.
  • Use the Digital Habits Checkup routine to create a personal challenge to achieve more media balance.

Your child will also have discussion in the class with their teachers and friends, and we encourage parents to have family discussions at home that will help your child grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. 

Kurikulum Kewarganegaraan Digital

Anak-anak sekarang ini hidup di dunia di mana teknologi merupakan bagian dari kehidupan mereka sehari-hari, oleh karena itu mereka harus dibekali dengan keterampilan kewarganegaraan digital untuk sepenuhnya berpartisipasi dalam komunitas mereka dan membuat keputusan yang bijak baik secara daring dan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Menyetarakan dengan tema sekolah Takut akan Tuhan, kami ingin anak-anak tidak hanya terampil tetapi yang terpenting adalah memiliki pengertian dan kebijaksanaan yang datang dari Firman Tuhan sebagai satu-satunya kebenaran dalam hidup kita.

Topik utama dari Kurikulum Kewarganegaraan Digital yang kita bahas semester ini di Grammar School adalah Keseimbangan Media dan Kesejahteraan. Kepala Sekolah/ Wakil kepala sekolah menyampaikan topik ini dalam ibadah Chapel dua minggu sekali yang diselenggarakan melalui zoom meeting.

Berikut ini topik yang kita bahas di bulan September dan Oktober:




Video dan tautan sumber

G1- G2

Pause and Think Online

  • Understand the importance of being safe, responsible, and respectful online.
  • Learn the "Pause & Think Online" song to remember basic digital citizenship concepts.

G3 -  G4

Pause, Think, Ask and Device Free Moment

  • Recognize the ways in which digital devices can be distracting.
  • Identify how they feel when others are distracted by their devices.
  • Identify ideal device-free moments for themselves and others.

G5- G6

Finding My Media Balance

  • Reflect on their common online and offline activities.
  • Identify ways to "unplug" to maintain balance between online and offline activities.
  • Use the Digital Habits Checkup routine to create a personal challenge to achieve more media balance.

Anak anda juga akan melaksanakan diskusi di kelas dengan guru dan teman-teman mereka, dan kami mendorong orang tua untuk memiliki diskusi keluarga di rumah yang akan membantu anak anda bertumbuh dalam kebijaksanaan dan pertumbuhannya, dan berkenan dihadapan Tuhan dan manusia.