Photos of Ministry Project
Many thanks to all Grammar School parents and students for participating in Grammar School Ministry Projects.
Below are some photos from this event:
Foto-Foto Ministry Project
Kami ucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh orang tua dan murid Grammar School karena telah berpartisipasi dalam Grammar School Ministry Projects.
Berikut ini beberapa foto dari kegiatan tersebut:
1st Grade
1st grade donation for Panti Jompo Priangan
2nd Grade
2nd grade donation for SDN Cibacang
3rd Grade
Ibu Jenny, one of the 3rd grade homeroom mom representatives, helped deliver donations from 3rd grade families to SLBN A (School for the Blinds) Padjajaran.
(Ibu Jenny, salah satu perwakilan homeroom mom dari kelas 3, membantu mengirimkan donasi kelas 3 ke SLBN A Pajajaran)
4th Grade
4th grade donation for SLB C Hegar Asih
5th Grade
5th grade donation for SLB B Pambudi Dharma
6th Grade
6th grade donation for SDN Gunung Bentang