Digital Citizenship Education
In the midst of Covid 19 pandemic in 2021, we saw the big need to equip our students in their online learning in order for them to be responsible users of technology in their use of computers, the internet, and digital devices. Students need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life. Therefore, since the school year 2021-2022 CBCS has implemented the Digital Citizenship Program to be taught to all students from Early Childhood all the way to School of Rhetoric. By teaching this digital citizenship to our students, we hope our students:
- can use technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate.
- become a good steward in managing God’s blessings and resources, including the use of technology to glorify God during our temporary life in this world.
- have the virtue of temperance, humility, and studiousness.
- can think wisely, act purposefully, and communicate effectively (see CBCS the Standard 2022-2023 on Expected Student Outcomes, p. 13)
Below are the topics we are going to discuss with our students in March:
Grade |
Key Topics |
Title |
1 |
Media Balance and Well-Being |
How Technology Makes You Feel |
2 |
News & Media Literacy |
Let’s Give Credit! |
Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech |
Putting a STOP to Online Meanness |
3 |
Privacy & Security |
Is Seeing Believing? |
4 |
News & Media Literacy |
A Creator’s Right and Responsibilities |
5 |
Relationship & Communication; Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech |
Digital Friendships. Is It Cyberbullying? |
News & Media Literacy |
Reading News Online |
6 |
Digital Footprints & Identity; Relationship & Communication |
Who are You Online? Chatting Safely Online |
News & Media Literacy |
Finding Credible News |
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Digital
Di tengah pandemi Covid 19 di tahun 2021, kami melihat adanya kebutuhan yang besar untuk membekali siswa kami dalam pembelajaran daring agar menjadi pengguna teknologi yang bertanggung jawab dalam penggunaan komputer, internet, dan perangkat digital. Siswa perlu keterampilan kewarganegaraan digital untuk berpartisipasi penuh dalam komunitas mereka dan membuat pilihan cerdas secara online dan dalam kehidupan. Oleh karena itu, sejak tahun ajaran 2021-2022 CBCS telah mengimplementasikan Program Kewarganegaraan Digital untuk diajarkan kepada seluruh siswa sejak PAUD hingga Sekolah Retorika. Dengan mengajarkan kewarganegaraan digital ini kepada siswa kami, kami berharap siswa kami:
- dapat menggunakan teknologi secara bertanggung jawab untuk belajar, berkreasi, dan berpartisipasi.
- menjadi penatalayan yang baik dalam mengelola berkat dan sumber daya Tuhan, termasuk penggunaan teknologi untuk memuliakan Tuhan selama hidup kita yang sementara di dunia ini.
- memiliki kebajikan dalam hal kesederhanaan, kerendahan hati, dan rajin belajar.
- dapat berpikir dengan bijak, bertindak dengan tujuan, dan berkomunikasi secara efektif (lihat CBCS the Standar 2022-2023 tentang Hasil Siswa yang Diharapkan, hal. 13)
Di bawah ini adalah topik yang akan kami diskusikan dengan siswa kami di bulan Maret:
Kelas |
Topik Utama |
Judul |
1 |
Media Balance and Well-Being |
How Technology Makes You Feel |
2 |
News & Media Literacy |
Let’s Give Credit! |
Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech |
Putting a STOP to Online Meanness |
3 |
Privacy & Security |
Is Seeing Believing? |
4 |
News & Media Literacy |
A Creator’s Right and Responsibilities |
5 |
Relationship & Communication; Cyberbullying, Digital Drama & Hate Speech |
Digital Friendships. Is It Cyberbullying? |
News & Media Literacy |
Reading News Online |
6 |
Digital Footprints & Identity; Relationship & Communication |
Who are You Online? Chatting Safely Online |
News & Media Literacy |
Finding Credible News |