Digital Citizenship Curriculum Spiritual Formation 2021-2022
As explained in August during Virtual School of Logic Principal-Parents Fellowship, School of Logic students will learn further that they need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life. In short, CBCS would like to partner with parents to help students take ownership of their digital lives.
Therefore in School of Logic, we plan to have few meetings as a grade level in the first semester to discuss further below:
Grade 7 My Media Use: A Personal Challenge 1. Make an inventory of their media choices and how those choices make them feel. 2. Brainstorm personal strategies for balancing media use. 3. Create personal guidelines for promoting healthy media balance. |
Grade 8 1. Explore ways that different digital media are, and aren't, designed to help them make good media choices. 2. Reflect on how digital media is designed to either help or hinder the addition of meaning and value to their lives. 3. Think about how to develop good, healthy habits when using digital media. |
Grade 9 1. Explore the role that digital media plays in their lives. 2. Use the Digital Habits Checkup to reflect on the positive and negative impacts of digital media. 3. Create a personal challenge to improve their digital well-being. |
It would be great for parents also to have a conversation about this matter at home. Feel free to access the Common Sense Media: Aged-Based Media Reviews for Families link. Common Sense has been the leading independent source for media recommendations and advice for families, therefore it would be a great advantage if we as a school with you as parents can help them grow as a wise digital citizen.
"Digital citizenship is one of the most important elements in our lives. We use your resources every day. Thank you!" –Metin Ferhatoglu, educator
Digital Citizenship Curriculum Spiritual Formation 2021-2022
Seperti yang telah dijelaskan pada bulan Agustus selama Virtual School of Logic Principal-Parents Fellowship, murid School of Logic akan mempelajari lebih lanjut bahwa mereka membutuhkan keterampilan digital citizenship untuk dapat berpartisipasi penuh dalam komunitas mereka dan membuat pilihan yang cerdas secara online dan dalam kehidupan. Singkatnya, CBCS ingin bermitra dengan orang tua untuk membantu siswa dalam mengambil alih kehidupan digital mereka.
Oleh karena itu, School of Logic berencana untuk mengadakan beberapa pertemuan di semester pertama untuk setiap tingkat kelas untuk mendiskusikan hal-hal yang tertera pada tabel berikut ini:
Grade 7 My Media Use: A Personal Challenge 1. Make an inventory of their media choices and how those choices make them feel. 2. Brainstorm personal strategies for balancing media use. 3. Create personal guidelines for promoting healthy media balance. |
Grade 8 1. Explore ways that different digital media are, and aren't, designed to help them make good media choices. 2. Reflect on how digital media is designed to either help or hinder the addition of meaning and value to their lives. 3. Think about how to develop good, healthy habits when using digital media. |
Grade 9 1. Explore the role that digital media plays in their lives. 2. Use the Digital Habits Checkup to reflect on the positive and negative impacts of digital media. 3. Create a personal challenge to improve their digital well-being. |
Akan sangat baik jika orang tua juga membicarakan mengenai hal ini juga di rumah. Jangan ragu untuk mengakses tautan Common Sense Media: Aged-Based Media Reviews for Families link. Common Sense telah menjadi sumber independen terkemuka untuk rekomendasi media dan saran untuk keluarga, oleh karena itu akan menjadi suatu keuntungan yang besar jika kami sebagai sekolah bersama-sama dengan Anda sebagai orang tua dapat menolong mereka bertumbuh menjadi warganegara digital yang bijaksana.
"Kewarganegaraan digital merupakan salah satu elemen terpenting dalam kehidupan kita. Kami menggunakan sumber daya Anda setiap hari. Terima kasih!"
–Metin Ferhatoglu, pendidik