SOR Updated Calendar
Here is the updated calendar for SOR events, including G11 Indonesian Research Paper Presentation, G12 Final Exam, G12 Thesis Defense, and G10-G11 Final Exam. Please note that although CBCS desires to follow the published schedule, we reserve the right to change the schedule if needed.
Kalender SOR Terbaru
Berikut ini kami berikan kalender SOR terbaru, termasuk jadwal G11 Presentasi Karya Tulis Ilmiah, G12 Final Exam, G12 Thesis Defense, dan G10-G11 Final Exam. Mohon diperhatikan bahwa walaupun CBCS berkeinginan mengikuti jadwal yang dipublikasikan, kami memiliki hak untuk mengubah jadwal apabila diperlukan.