Thank You From SOR Principal
I would like to thank all School of Rhetoric parents and students for all your support, hard work, and help in the 11th Grade ANBK, 12th Grade Hybrid Trial, 10-12th Grade Career Day, and 10-12th Grade PTC. It is a really tremendous blessing for me and all the teachers to work together with you. Happy Holiday to all of you! I hope you will have a great time with your family at home. Stay safe and healthy.
Ucapan Terima Kasih Dari Kepala Sekolah SOR
Saya hendak mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh orang tua dan murid School of Rhetoric untuk seluruh dukungan, kerja keras, dan bantuan Anda dalam penyelenggaraan ANBK kelas 11, Hybrid Trial kelas 12, Career Day Kelas 10-12, dan PTC kelas 10-12. Kerja sama dan dukungan yang diberikan sangat memberkati saya dan seluruh guru. Selamat liburan! Saya berharap Anda memiliki waktu yang luar biasa dengan keluarga Anda di rumah. Tetap sehat dan aman.