SOR Student Council 2024/2025

We would like to congratulate all of the selected members of SOR Student Council for the year of 2024/2025. We believe that our student council members can be a  good representative of the students and will be able to serve their fellow friends with dedication and wholeheartedness. May God bless all the student council committees of 2024/2025.

SOR Student Council 2024/2025

Kami ucapkan selamat kepada anggota Student Council yang baru terpilih untuk tahun ajaran 2024/2025. Kami percaya mereka akan menjadi perwakilan yang baik bagi para murid SOR dan mampu melayani teman-teman mereka dengan dedikasi dan kesungguhan hati. Semoga Tuhan memberkati seluruh anggota Student Council SOR 2024/2025.