Class Guidance - Sex Education

As part of our commitment to help students to grow academically and spiritually, we are going to have a sex education session at the end of October with the following topics:

  • G10 : Sexual Abuse Awareness & Staying Safe (“The Hidden Lust Beneath The Trust”)
  • G11 : Sexual Abuse Awareness & Staying Safe (“The Hidden Lust Beneath The Trust”)
  • G12 : “Big Choices With Big Consequences”


Class Guidance - Sex Education

Sebagai bagian dari komitmen kami untuk membantu murid bertumbuh secara akademis dan spiritual, kami akan mengadakan sesi mengenai pendidikan sex pada akhir Oktober dengan topik sebagai berikut.

  • G10 : Sexual Abuse Awareness & Staying Safe (“The Hidden Lust Beneath The Trust”)
  • G11 : Sexual Abuse Awareness & Staying Safe (“The Hidden Lust Beneath The Trust”)
  • G12 : “Big Choices With Big Consequences”