Acute Hepatitis
Acute Hepatitis Disease (infection of the liver) which is currently sweeping the world is thought to have entered Indonesia after three children were reported to have died from being infected with this mysterious disease. Here are some facts about Acute Hepatitis:
- Acute Hepatitis mostly attacks children under the age of 12 years and is not caused by Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses as in general. Initial suspicions were caused by Adenovirus, SARS CoV-2, ABV virus etc. The virus mainly attacks the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
- Mode of transmission: food and drink contaminated with the virus and the air
- Early symptoms:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Sluggish
- Loss of appetite
- Stomachache
- Diarrhea
- Mild Fever
- Itch
- Advanced symptoms of the disease:
- Yellow skin and eyes
- Urine will be dark colored like tea
- FECES is pale white
- If there are any of the above symptoms, then:
- Keep Calm but BE ALERT
- Give first aid: PREVENT DEHYDRATION by giving medicine to reduce Nausea or Vomiting so that the child can still drink and eat as well as medicine for fever if the child has a fever.
- Immediately take the child to the nearest health facility. Do not wait until further symptoms appear.
- What can Parents do at home?
- Keeping yourself and the environment clean
- Washing hands with soap before preparing food for children or families
- Asking children to wash their hands with soap, especially before eating
- Make sure the food or drink consumed by the child is cooked perfectly
- Do not share eating utensils with other people
- Avoiding children's contact with sick people to keep children healthy
- Continue to apply COVID-19 health protocols such as wearing masks, maintaining distance and reducing mobility.
In addition to the COVID-19 Protocol, CBCS continues to implement health protocols in terms of managing shared eating utensils such as plates, spoons, and forks. Our Kitchen Staff keep using hot water to soak or wash the cutlery used by students and employees. We also open up opportunities if parents want to bring spoons and forks for their children to have lunch at school, as parents in grade 1 and grade 2 SD have done so far.
Thus the information from us and for your attention. Thank you.
Keep healthy!
CBCS Health Office.
Hepatitis Akut
Penyakit Hepatitis Akut (infeksi pada organ hati atau liver) yang sedang melanda dunia diduga telah masuk ke Indonesia setelah tiga anak dilaporkan meninggal dunia akibat terinfeksi penyakit misterius ini. Berikut beberapa fakta tentang Hepatitis Akut:
- Hepatitis Akut ini banyak menyerang anak di bawah usia 12 tahun dan bukan disebabkan oleh virus Hepatitis A, B, C, D maupun E seperti pada umumnya.Dugaan awal disebabkan oleh Adenovirus, SARS CoV-2, virus ABV dll. Virus tersebut utamanya menyerang saluran cerna dan saluran pernafasan.
- Cara penularan: makanan dan minuman yang terkontaminasi virus serta udara
- Gejala awal:
- Mual
- Muntah
- Lesu
- Kehilangan nafsu makan
- Sakit perut
- Diare
- Demam Ringan
- Gatal
- Gejala lanjut penyakit:
- Kulit dan mata berwarna kuning
- Air kencing akan berwarna pekat seperti teh
- BAB berwarna putih pucat
- Jika terdapat gejala di atas, maka:
- Tetap Tenang namun WASPADA
- Berikan pertolongan pertama: CEGAH DEHIDRASI dengan memberikan Obat MUAL atau MUNTAH sehingga anak tetap dapat minum dan makan serta obat PENURUN PANAS jika anak demam.
- Segera bawa anak ke fasilitas kesehatan terdekat. Jangan menunggu sampai gejala lanjut muncul.
- Apa yang dapat dilakukan Orang Tua di rumah?
- Menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan
- Mencuci tangan dengan sabun sebelum mengolah makanan untuk anak atau keluarga
- Membiasakan anak untuk mencuci tangan dengan sabun, terutama sebelum makan
- Memastikan makanan atau minuman yang dikonsumsi anak matang
- Tidak menggunakan alat-alat makan bersama dengan orang lain
- Menghindari kontak anak-anak dari orang yang sakit agar anak-anak tetap sehat
- Tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan COVID-19 seperti memakai masker, menjaga jarak dan mengurangi mobilitas.
Selain Protokol COVID-19, CBCS tetap melaksanakan protokol kesehatan dalam hal mengelola alat makan yang digunakan bersama seperti piring, sendok, serta garpu. Staf Dapur kami tetap menggunakan air panas untuk merendam atau mencuci peralatan makan yang digunakan murid dan karyawan. Kami juga membuka kesempatan jika orang tua mau membawakan sendok dan garpu untuk anak-anak makan siang di sekolah, seperti yang dilakukan oleh orang tua kelas 1 dan kelas 2 SD selama ini.
Demikian informasi dari kami dan atas perhatiannya, kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Tetap Sehat!
CBCS Health Office.