School Newsletter (December 2018)
Earthquake Drill
CBCS Earthquake drill is back! Other than educational and ethical values, CBCS also promotes students, teachers, and staff’s safety and welfare by practicing evacuation drills in case of dyre situations.
Servanthood Competition
We would like thank you for everyone who participate in CBCS’ Servanthood Photo Competition which took place between September 17 to October 2018. Moreover, we would like to congratulate those who won the competition with their inspiring pictures. As Servanthood is our main theme for this year, we hope that this competition will inspire and encourage people to serve one another.
Kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang berpartisipasi dalam Lomba Foto Servanthood CBCS yang berlangsung tanggal 17 September hingga Oktober 2018. Selain itu, kami ingin mengucapkan selamat kepada pemenang-pemenang kompetisi ini untuk foto-foto inspiratif mereka Servanthood adalah tema utama kami untuk tahun ini dan kami berharap kompetisi ini dapat menginspirasi dan mendorong orang-orang untuk saling melayani satu dengan yang lain.
Thank you for all of our dearest parents who contributed and participated in our Teacher Appreciation Day celebration on the 26th of November 2018! In behalf of the teachers and staff members, we would like to thank the students’ parents for the refreshments and the choir performance. As from the students, they gave their teachers “SUPER TEACHER” pin badges in commemoration for their handwork.
Terima kasih kepada semua orang tua kami yang terkasih untuk kontribusi dan berpartisipasinya dalam perayaan Hari Apresiasi Guru kami pada 26 November 2018! Atas nama para guru dan anggota staf, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada orang tua siswa untuk cemilan dan penampilan paduan suara. Dari para siswa, mereka mengenakan pin lencana “SUPER TEACHER” kepada guru mereka dalam peringatan untuk kerja keras mereka.