CBCS Parenting Seminar Series
We invite you to join our parenting seminar series as follows:
Grades PS - 5th: Friday, October 13, 2023
The Early Years (grades PS - 2nd) in the MPB from 8 -10 AM
The Pre-Teen Years (grades 3rd - 5th) in the MPB from 10:30 AM -12:30 PM
Each seminar will focus on specific topics for the ages listed and will address how parents can overcome some of the negative impacts from the pandemic on our children’s development.
2. Grades 6th - 9th: Thursday, October 12, 2023
The Teen Years (grades 6th - 7th) in the New Life Chapel from 8.30 -10.30 AM
The Teen Years (grades 8th - 9th) in the New Life Chapel from 12.30 -1.30 PM
The seminar will address the importance of communication in the family and how parents can communicate with their teenagers effectively.
3. Grades 10th - 12th: Friday, October 6, 2023
The Pre-Adult Years (grades 10th - 12th) in the New Life Chapel from 8.00 -10.00 AM
The seminar will address the difficulties in conversing with our pre-adults and what parents can do to build a strong relationship with them.
The Parent Seminar Series registration date is extended to Wednesday, October 4, 2023. So, register yourself now at this link: https://cahayabangsa.org/RSVP !
Serial Seminar Orangtua CBCS
Kami mengundang orangtua CBCS untuk bergabung di serial seminar orangtua sebagai berikut.
Kelas PS - 5: Jumat, 6 Oktober 2023
Usia Dini (Kelas PS - 2) di MPB dari pukul 8 -10 WIB
Pra-Remaja (Kelas 3 - 5) di MPB dari pukul 10:30 AM -12:30 WIB
Setiap seminar akan fokus membahas topik-topik yang spesifik sesuai dengan usia yang dicantumkan dan akan membahas bagaimana orangtua dapat mengatasi beberapa dampak negatif dari pandemi terhadap perkembangan anak-anak.
2. Kelas 6 - 9: Kamis, 12 Oktober 2023
Remaja (Kelas 6 - 7) di New Life Chapel dari pukul 8.30 -10.30 WIB
Remaja (Kelas 8 - 9) di New Life Chapel dari pukul 12.30 - 14.30 WIB
Seminar ini akan membahas mengenai pentingnya komunikasi di dalam keluarga dan bagaimana orangtua dapat berkomunikasi dengan efektif dengan anak remaja mereka.
3. Kelas 10 - 12: Jumat, 6 Oktober 2023
Pra-Dewasa (Kelas 10 - 12) di New Life Chapel dari pukul 8.00 -10.00 WIB
Seminar ini akan membahas mengenai kesulitan-kesulitan bercakap-cakap dengan anak-anak pra-dewasa dan apa yang orangtua dapat lakukan untuk membangun hubungan yang kuat dengan mereka.