Teradata - DSBILLS: CBCS Fee Information System / New Parents Access

After further evaluation, the school has determined to continue using Teradata - DSBILLS as the fee information system for the 2024-2025 academic year.  

For those of you who are new to our fee information system, DSBILLS provides CBCS parents with real-time information regarding school fees such as tuition and registration/development fees.  Monthly payment for tuition is by the 10th of each month; after that date a small late fee begins to be assessed as seen through the app. You can check the Virtual Account (VA) number through DSBILLS.

New parents have been sent a temporary username and password for accessing the Teradata - DSBILLS application via email on July 25, 2024, from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  If you need further help setting up your account or guidance using the system, please refer to this tutorial video on the Teradata - DSBILLS application: Teradata Tutorial.

If you have any questions or need assistance regarding Teradata - DSBILLS, our Finance Team is ready to assist you.

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information or any assistance.

Teradata - DSBILLS: Sistem Informasi Biaya Sekolah / Akses Orangtua Baru

Setelah evaluasi lebih lanjut, sekolah telah memutuskan untuk terus menggunakan Teradata - DSBILLS sebagai sistem informasi biaya untuk tahun ajaran 2024-2025.

Bagi Anda yang baru mengenal sistem informasi biaya kami, DSBILLS memberikan informasi waktu nyata kepada orang tua CBCS mengenai biaya sekolah seperti biaya pendidikan dan biaya pendaftaran/pengembangan. Pembayaran bulanan untuk biaya pendidikan harus dilakukan paling lambat tanggal 10 setiap bulan; setelah tanggal tersebut, denda keterlambatan kecil akan mulai dikenakan sebagaimana terlihat melalui aplikasi. Anda dapat melihat nomor Virtual Account (VA) di aplikasi DSBILLS.

Orang tua baru telah dikirimkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi sementara untuk mengakses aplikasi Teradata - DSBILLS melalui email pada tanggal 25 Juli 2024, dari This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Jika Anda memerlukan bantuan lebih lanjut untuk menyiapkan akun Anda atau panduan menggunakan sistem, silakan merujuk pada video tutorial ini tentang aplikasi Teradata - DSBILLS: Teradata Tutorial.

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau memerlukan bantuan terkait Teradata - DSBILLS, Tim Keuangan kami siap membantu Anda.

Please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information or any assistance.