GS General Information

Reading Month (Read, Lead, Succeed)

Read, Lead, Succeed!

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. (Margareth Fuller)

Read, Lead, Succeed! will be started on March 4 to 29. The purpose of Read, Lead Succeed! is to encourage and foster students in a life-long enjoyment of reading quality books.Students may read English or Indonesian books before/after school hours and over weekends. Grade levels have specific goals for how many books students should read per week. Each student records the book title, author and page numbers he/she read daily on the reading log. Reading logs are turned in to the homeroom teacher the first day of each week and signed by parents. Students and classes who achieve the grade level goal will be recognized each week.We sent the Reading Package (General Information, Reading Guidelines, 1st week Reading Log for your child and parents) to your youngest child last week. Please read it carefully and if you have questions, you may email our librarianThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Parents, please supervise and monitor the books your child is reading to ensure they meet your value standards!


Parent-Teacher Conference

The purpose of Parent-Teacher Conferences is to talk about your child’s progress academically, spiritually, and behaviorally. This is a good time to have a meaningful conversation with your child’s teacher so we all can have a same perspective in educating and nurturing godly values into your child’s life and heart. We look forward to your active involvement and partnership for the Mid-Semester PTC on Friday March 15 OR Saturday, March 16.

Breakfast with Denise

Our desire is to build a good relationship between school and parents. Therefore, we would like to invite you to our specialevent this year “Breakfast with Denise (EC-GS Academic Director)”, that are going to be held this month.

Grade Day Date
Grade 6 Parents Tuesday March 19
Grade 5 Parents Wednesday March 20
Grade 4 Parents Thursday March 21

We are looking forward to meeting you in this meeting!

Spelling Bee Results

We are proud to see how beautiful all Grammar student participants demonstrated positive attitudes during the Spelling Bee preparation and competition at BAIS on February 14, 2019. We believe that it shapes our students’ character which at the same time it provides great experience for them to compete positively.We would especially like to congratulate Stephanie Freya Estelle (3C) who won 1st place in the 3rd grade category and Joseph Alexander Effendy (1A), Darren Manuel Brasali (2A), Caven Edward (4A) who each won 2nd place in the irrespective grade categories. Well done, students! We also would like to thank all parents and teachers who supported our competitors to give their best. May God bless your hard work!

Grammar School Basketball Cup

I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. - Philippians 4:13

Congratulations! The Grammar School Basketball Boys Team won 1st place and the Girls Team won 2nd place in the 3rd Annual CBCS Basketball Cup event hosted by our school on February 8 - 16, 2019. This was the first time our GS Basketball Teams officially participated in the competition! Thank you, CBCS community, for the support for our student athletes and coaches. CBCS leadership believes this event become another important part of the learning process within our students’lives. Praise God for healthy bodies, friends, coaches, facilities, and community events like these to encourage healthy relationships and leadership development!

Maternity Leave

Our 2nd Grade Teacher, Ms. Vidya, will have an early maternity leave due to her pregnancy condition. Parents, let us support Ms. Vidya in prayers so that the baby and the mother will be in good condition and the birth process will go well inGod’s grace.Ms. Vidya’s maternity leave will be started officially on Monday, March 11. Ms. Ernita will be the next Homeroom Teacher who will teach the 2B until the last day of this school year. Please support us in prayers so the transition runs smoothly.

Thank You

CBCS teachers and leadership would like to thank parents for your great support in the Ministry Field Trip. Teachers and the Leadership witnessed a lot of stories and testimonies of how the students served the people they visited whole heartedly.The stories are very encouraging which motivate us to serve and teach the students more.Thank you parents for your support in providing cars, being a chaperone, helping the teachers, managing the donations,discipling your child, and supporting the school. God bless you!

Grammar School Ministry Field Trip Photos

 Capture 5

Capture 6

Capture 7




 Grammar School Activities




Important Dates

Day Date Agenda
Monday - Friday March 4-29 Reading Month Program
Thursday March 7 Nyepi Holiday
Friday March 8 Professional Development Day (No Students)
Friday - Saturday March 15-16 2nd Mid Semester PTC
Tuesday March 19 Breakfast with Denise for 6th Grade Parents
Wednesday March 20 Breakfast with Denise for 5th Grade Parents
Thursday March 21 Breakfast with Denise for 4th Grade Parents
Saturday March 23 Admission Test 2nd Batch
Tuesday April 2 Read, Lead, Succeed Celebration
Wednesday April 3 Isra Miraj Holiday